Grandma’s song

I never had a taste for classical music, but my grandma had a Bösendorfer since she was a child. This meant that someone from the grandchildren had to play the piano, and I won the family lottery. I had no talents, hated going to music school, but I loved hanging with her and practicing her favorite pieces. I pretended to like playing, and she pretended not to hear how bad I was.

Why it’s okay not asking for feedback

This is a story that was heavily inspired by David Lynch, so hear it from him. “…If they give you the right to make the film, they owe you the right to make it the way you think it should be. The filmmaker should decide on every single element, every single word, every single sound, every single thing going down that highway through time. Otherwise it won’t hold together. The film may suck, but at least you made it suck on your own.”

Fire walk with me: All the things I watched in 2020

In 2020 I watched 645 hours of movies and series. Yes, that equals 27 days and it’s almost as long as February. 73% of this time I spent watching series – 660 episodes of 62 different ones. My main platform was Netflix (270 hours), closely followed by HBO GO (250 hours), while I only went to the movies 3 times this year due to the lockdown.

How I got landed a dataviz job at almost 30?

I’m not an easy person. I’m fast, loud, rarely satisfied, I have a can-do attitude, but I get bored easily. I’m a whirlwind, and sometimes people feel intimidated by me. I don’t think that someone is right just because he’s above me in the hierarchy, and it’s hard to shut my mouth when I feel suppressed. I had my problems with that attitude, and I felt that this is all my fault, while it was just not the right workplace for me.

All the books I’ve read before

Why get out of bed when you can read about people who got out of bed? This pretty much sums up my past weeks, so I decided to make a visualization from an idea that has spent a long time on my to-do list. I put together a database from all the books I’ve read since 2009 (the year I started using moly) and it turned out that the 278 titles almost add up to 100 000 pages.